Nothing prepares you for the wild and unpredictable journey that is aging.  


The good news is, I have walked this path many times. I'll stay with you until we reach the other side.



Even though we rarely talk about it....

Aging is the ultimate human experience.

If you feel alone in the're not.


In our society, we don't like to talk about death, but that doesn't change reality. Many of us care for family members as they age. Many of us will watch our loved ones fade and be left, alone, to pick up the pieces. We've all been completely overwhelmed by a medical crisis – having no earthly idea how to proceed. We embrace (or avoid) the fact that we won’t be here forever. 

We all experience the gut-churning grief, guilt, helplessness, and panic. Plus hope, connection, and brief flutters of joy. This is messy. It’s every sensation at once. And it's universal.

It’s way past time to start the conversation. 


In my experience, it's almost impossible to get through this alone... so don't.


You've probably been tossed onto this path, headfirst. Certified Senior Advisors and after-loss coaches like myself have been solving these problems for decades. We know everyone, and we have binders upon binders of resources that will blow your mind. Here are just a few ways I can help:    

Senior Placement


Think of me as a realtor for care facilities, except you don't pay a penny! Let me find your loved one a spot at the most compassionate care homes, group homes, and assisted living facilities in the East Valley.

Care Coaching


No one prepares you to care for your aging loved ones. The good news is, there are life-changing tools and strategies that would never cross your mind until you talk to an elder care coach like myself.

Affairs Coaching


This is your chance to have a voice when you can no longer speak. The future of your medical care, finances, dependents, and belongings all hinge on your wishes in writing. Don't leave your family with a mess.

After Loss Support


Let me provide emotional, logistical and administrative backup while you settle your loved one's estate. I've been through this process three times myself, and I will hold your hand until you see the light of day again.


I’m Terri Izard, Founder of Aging Agendas.

I'm a Certified Senior Advisor (CSA) and an after-loss coach. 


I’ve cared for both of my parents and my in-laws, and settled their estates after they passed. Believe me, I intimately understand how hard this can be. I’ve been left to pick up the legal and financial pieces. I’ve been the one dropping off cases of Coke Zero to the care home. I’ve felt like the only idiot sitting in a conference room swivel chair and signing documents without any clue what they meant – just knowing that each question I ask will cost me hundreds of dollars. I know, from experience, what happens when you have a plan for passing…and what can happen when you don’t. 

I’m a mom. 

I’m a daughter. 

I am an educator, and an advocate. I’m a legal-to-laymen translator. And I can help you make the best decisions for yourself and the seniors in your care.


This is a marathon, not a sprint.

Our goal is for this newsletter to be there for you when you need it. To help you make those hard decisions. To explain and encourage. 

Kind people were there for us when we needed them too.  

"Before I started with Terri I felt overwhelmed by all the information and was afraid to begin. Terri is so encouraging and empowering: this is a great place for everything I need to be prepared to help my kids!

I feel more confident with all the helpful PDFs and instructions. I can do a part at a time and not be overwhelmed!"
- Celesta Mae

Don't send your family on a wild goose chase!


I spend a lot of time helping clients get their affairs squared away, and the Nokbox is one of my favorite tools to store important information. Set your loved ones on the right path with these secure, comprehensive storage tools.



I have an affiliate relationship with Nokbox, so I may receive a small commission at zero cost to you. That said, know that I only recommend products that I'm absolutely ecstatic about.

Help is on the way.

We have a myriad of articles to pull you through.

Sometimes you just need a break. You need a safe place – a quiet, sunny corner where you can let your hair down and breathe. Grab a cozy blanket, and please know that you’re gonna be ok.


Six Online Legal Tools That You Shouldn't Ignore

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The People and Terms in a Trust

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We’re here for all of it.

The mess. The humor. The pain. It takes a lot to surprise me. Take advantage of my free, 1-hr consultation and let me light your path. ⬇️

 Our first hour is 100% free and I love to help. 


Let me give you all the resources I can pack into 60 minutes as well as a roadmap for next steps. After that, my rate is $125/hr for as long as you need. And placement services are free to you.


Even if it’s just a bare-bones solution, something is better than nothing. 

We are not attorneys, and cannot provide legal advice to you. This information is for educational purposes only, and we always recommend consulting legal counsel.